No long talks, by now you should be aware that Fiverr has gotten tougher than ever before – You should up your game in moving into 2021 and beyond.
Top freelancers like Ajeigbe Moruf, Sir Abiola, Osazee Kelvin King, Tony Obum and co all agree that creating videos for your gigs is among the surest ways to rank your gigs more than your competitors.
Just by replacing your image with a video will boost your gig sales by an extra 20%, as stated by Fiverr.
Imagine… moving to zero sales after generating over $50,000 on Fiverr just because of their crazy algorithm. I was forced to look for everything possible to get myself back on track, I decided to up my gig image and video creation skills.
Guess what… I replaced one of my gig’s images with a video and landed a $170 gig after a long sales drought in one of my accounts, the account is gradually picking up now.
FACT! Creating videos for your gigs has been a pain in the ass for years, I personally found it difficult, I even paid for videos I didn’t really like in the past…
But not anymore.
The Simplest Methods To Create Sales Boosting Videos And Images For Your Fiverr Gigs – Regain Your Rankings, Increase Sales.
😮Easy To Understand Videos 😮 Premium Tools 😮Bonuses
If you want to increase your gig rankings, beat your competitors, boost your sales in 2021 and beyond, then you MUST learn how to create PROFESSIONAL IMAGES AND VIDEOS and “PIMP MY GIG FORMULA” is exactly what you need right now to do just that.
A TASTE OF MY ARROGRANCE: Feel free to ignore this program, try wasting your time and money watching Youtube videos here and there. I’m very confident that you’ll come running back to me, and it might be too late by then.
NAME: Kuplifted Innovations
NO: 4011250231
NAME: Osazee Kelvin
NO: 0033704033
Osazee Kelvin King is the CEO of Kuplifted Innovations, founder, Kelvin has been helping ordinary people make money online since 2015, he has created a few blockbuster courses, like The Writing Cash Code that taught a lot of bosses how to make their first dollar online.
Osazee Kelvin King is an award winning internet marketer, he won the “Award Of The Best Internet Marketer Of The Year With A Unique Style.
Osazee Kelvin King is passionate about seeing people empowered, that’s because he once struggled to even eat.
No doubt, he’s one of the few online marketers we can trust.
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EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: We don’t believe in “get rich” programs – only in hard work, adding value, building a real and professional career, and serving others with excellence and constancy. Our programs are intended to help you increase your knowledge and to make a difference in the world.
Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Please don’t enroll in our programs if you believe in the “get rich quick” myth or ideology; we only want serious people dedicated to real professional development who want to add value and move humanity forward.